Details & Pricing
Get year-round support for your staff & leadership
from the trusted experts at RTS and the voice of @Rogueshul.
Affordable options for shuls of every size.
Pay monthly or annually. Cancel Anytime.
What is Included?
In-house Consultative Services
Access to RTS staff is available to your staff and Temple President for support, thought partnership, strategic planning and more.
One-to-one Coaching
10 Sessions Per Month
Any member of your staff is eligble for one to one coaching with RTS. Making changes to staff participants is easily done as your needs evolve.
Standard Pricing (Winter '23) - $200/session
Annual Site Visit
On-site visit can be used for professional development, board retreats, organizational audits, etc. Travel costs not included.
Standard Pricing (Winter'23) - $2000/day + travel
Staff Professional Development
Up to 10/year
RTS offers professional development programs and learning for synagogue staff at every level of experience.
Standard Pricing (Winter '23) - $350/session
Board of Trustees Leadership Development
Up to 5/year
RTS will be a consistent resource to your board offering learning opportunities and leadership development sessions via Zoom.
Standard Pricing (Winter '23) - $350-$750/session
Organizational Audit
1/year (Choose Org. Audit OR Performance Review)
Comprehensive evaluation of organizational health and staff satisfaction gained from confidential staff interviews and presented as a report.
Standard Pricing (Winter '23) - $4000-$6000 based on staff size
Performance Review (Clergy/Executive Staff)
1/year (Performance Review OR Org. Audit)
Comprehensive performance review for a staff member who is supervised by the Board of Trustees (clergy and Executive Directors). RTS congregations choose a Performance Review OR Organizational Audit annually.
Standard Pricing (Winter '23) - $3000-$5000 based on staff size
Access to RTS Congregation Network
RTS will foster connections between your congregation and other synagogues of similar size, location, and circumstances creating a network of support, encouragement and resource sharing.
Monthly ShulCloud Support
3 hours/month + 2 custom reports or forms
Access to RTS's for ShulCloud support and training as a Level 2 subscriber. More information about monthly ShulCloud support can be found here.
Standard Price (Winter '23) - $500/month